Additional router for strong wifi.

Go to Golovna

Droneless technologies

Finish it manually.

The most important thing is the expansion of devices that have an integrated Wi-Fi module.

Traditional LAN ports do not lose their relevance.

However, there is already another step to get to the edge. It’s more important that this port is difficult to vikorize in large towns and on the streets. However, the availability of drone-free tools for accessing the Internet also has its shortcomings.

Such deficiencies can be reduced to an insufficient area of ​​coverage that has been damaged.

It's the power supply that's at fault: what features can be used to strengthen the Wi-Fi signal and make the Wi-Fi antenna more efficient? First of all, the buyers are working hard to obtain the best equipment, which means that it depends on the type of access point, the range of protection and the characteristics of the antenna itself. The above-mentioned officials, of course, immediately pour jabs into the signal. However, since the stench does not allow the necessary viscosity to reach the binder, it still does not lead to expansion. At the software level, it is necessary to analyze the frequency at which the device operates. So, for example, if there are 10-15 lines in the space, then about good juiciness

You might end up forgetting. Signals with great intensity move one after another, causing the intensity of the signals to drop. It is enough to correctly select the radio broadcast channel and all the power supply to strengthen the antenna Wi-Fi router fall by themselves. To select a channel you need to use vikory special program

For example, for this purpose you can use the InSSIDer system.

Tse security software It is necessary to use the Wi-Fi adapter in parallel.

The InSSIDer program allows you to display information about all available channels that are available and occupied. It is possible that before the information is removed, the computer will no longer need to re-adjust the adapter operating mode to a higher frequency. How to increase the weight of the router?

A low level of signal reception may be associated with boundaries, which are imposed on the new self-adjustment.

Many koristuvachs don’t know what standard their device follows.

Today, there are two relevant border standards – 802.11 ac and 802.11 n.

The first one is not yet available to a wide range of koristuvachs. The other is respected as one of the most important today. If you plan to use a Wi-Fi antenna because the device does not receive a signal, then your device may simply support a different standard. To convert your gadget to the 802.11 n format, you need to change the basic settings. It’s just a matter of choosing parameters and installing the robot. Varto also knows that 802.11n devices operate in the 5 GHz frequency range. Channels on 5 GHz are superior to the wider 2.4 GHz band and have not yet been detected. The quality of work in this format is on an order of magnitude. How to turn on the power saving mode When vikoristanna current computers Nowadays, nutrition and energy saving are becoming more relevant. Basically it's a matter of fuss

portable devices

, like long time ago Can work without recharging. Reception of Wi-Fi signal on a tablet computer can be strengthened only after increased productivity. Antenna when used at any time

minimal adjustments

tension, since the device uses a vikorist mode to save energy. Also, to increase the strength of the signal, it is better to avoid the minimum level of energy saving. This means that he is included as a primary client. Next, the repeater plays the role of distributing the signal that is being received. The coverage area will be expanded according to the capabilities of the antenna itself.

The repeater is identical in size to the living block, so it doesn’t take up much space.

This bathroom is also superior in terms of maintenance. Use a mono repeater to boost the signal, and also expand the coverage area behind WDS technology. Thus, the device allows you to connect different access points without the need for separate wired contacts. The middle one has versatility budget models

Repeaters vary between 700 and 1000 rubles.

Devices with high productivity can cost between 2000 and 3000 rubles. Gaskets for adapters To get rid of the problems associated with Wi-Fi reception signal, it is recommended to purchase tight adapters from an external antenna.

Models of devices that are integrated into laptops and tablets seem to be less effective.

However, for such devices you can transfer a special pump. tablet computers, various non-dart Smart set-top boxes and TVs. All this technology can boast of being manufactured Wi-Fi module

, which allows the connection to be made up to dart-free limits. In such a situation, you can easily run into the problem of a small Wi-Fi network coverage area. How to strengthen the Wi-Fi signal and what might happen?

We would like to report back on this topic. Who knows what's in the zone dartless lines Factors such as the type of connected router, the choice of Wi-Fi standards, and the strength and tightness of the antennas are included. But who knows that in addition to technical factors, external factors also influence the size of the zone: specifically, the deployment of the router in the apartment, the visibility of the radio access point, the material that Vikorist Available when the walls are awake. Moreover, given the major problem of how to strengthen the Wi-Fi signal, it is necessary to use all methods that can guarantee the best result. U

Zagalny Vipadka

All methods of signal enhancement can be divided into two groups: software and hardware.

Software methodsThe reduction in Wi-Fi signal is on the cardsoptimal setupvikoristovovanogo installation.

Hardware methods depend on the purchase and installation of additional devices or the technical improvement of already installed equipment. First you struggle with your router and run into trouble with how to strengthen the Wi-Fi signal, you need to check that you have optimally installed the connection in your apartment. After this, we check the Internet speed in order to compare it with the removed data after setting up the device.

The shortest installation option is approximately in the middle of the apartment to ensure maximum coverage area.A report on the correct installation of the router can be found at.Now let's look at the most effective software and hardware methods for strengthening the Wi-Fi signal.

Problem. If your apartment is located in the zone of accessibility of a large number of dartless lines, it cannot but appear on the signal.

Wi-Fi boundaries may change when working on the same channel. As a result, if you are intermittently in the fire zone, the signal strength may be even worse. If you want to strengthen the Wi-Fi signal, you need to select a radio channel on the router. Decision. To select a channel you need to use a special vikory

inSSIDer program

2. .A report on the correct installation of the router can be found at.It is purchased and installed on your computer.

Wi-Fi adapter oh or laptop. Then we launch the program and see which channels occupy other people's drone-free spaces in the accessibility zone.

We select and memorize the free channel, now it needs to be set in the router settings.

Yak just wasted until we got it right and we looked at it. When setting up the router, go to the “Dartless mode” section -> “Set up the droneless mode” and set the “Channel” parameter to the values ​​​​that we specified for the additional program inSSIDer. Signal

Fi weak through low-pressure transmission on the routerProblem. Low-power transmission may be the real reason

weak signal


Transferring the router to a robot using the 802.11n standard is even simpler.

Go to the router setup, go to the section “Setting up the droneless mode” and in the “Mode” parameter set the value to “802.11n”. We save and re-install the router. Next, the device is reconnected to the Wi-Fi network. After this simple procedure, the strength of the signal may improve, and the hidden area may become larger. Problem. Primary routers are most often used by frequency range 2.4 GHz.

This frequency is attracted by other devices, such as radiotelephones,

Microwood stoves

, baby monitor systems, all kinds of security systems and control panels. This kind of obsession negatively affects the strength of the Wi-Fi signal. These routers typically operate at a frequency of 5 GHz, which is rarely used these days and is entirely practical.

The 5 GHz frequency is not detected by various code changes from foreign access points and other everyday devices.

Software methodsThe reduction in Wi-Fi signal is on the cardsoptimal setupFor maximum bakedness

dartless signal

It’s better to use the 5 GHz frequency.

On the Internet you can find a lot of ways to modify an antenna to improve its characteristics.

In many situations, everything comes down to the fact that with the help of all-direct antennas, the direct antennas are broken.

Some people use vikors from beer cans. For whom should I use foil? Having checked on special testimony A number of methods did not detect any noticeable increase in the intensity of the signal.


effective method

, Which will help you strengthen the Wi-Fi signal by using more powerful antennas. Buying a new antenna for a router can cost several hundred rubles, but the effect of this will be reduced. The reduction in the signal is especially noticeable when changing antennas with an amplification factor of 2dBi to 8dBi.

In this case, the area covered by the dartless line increases even more. If your router is equipped with several antennas (for example, three antennas), replacing them with a new one can be expensive. In this case, it is more important to use the repeater to strengthen the signal.

2. Vikorista repeater to strengthen the signalA report on the correct installation of the router can be found at.This method of strengthening the signal is very effective and is most often used in large buildings.

If in the apartment it is necessary to change the router antennas to be stronger, then this procedure will not be enough for a large apartment. Wi-Fi repeater small appliance , which connects to the created drone-free network as the primary client and expands the zone to cover the radius that supports its antenna. Also on sale are devices that, in addition to the repeater function, support the same WDS technology (not to be confused with), which also allows you to combine a number of drone-free access points into one. Wi-Fi network.

In this case, there is no need to connect these access points.


We were surprised effective way How to strengthen the Wi-Fi signal. For this, you can use cost-free methods, or you can quickly use special devices. We are sure that

7 information given will help increase the drone-free coverage area for comfortable access to the Internet from various devices.

simple crumbs , to paint the Internet at home. Nothing hurts like the low speed of a robot home measures Wi-Fi limits.

You can’t download the movie, you can’t marvel at the YouTube videos,

border games

don't rob.

Shall we say that there are many ways to improve the strength of the signal and the speed of the Internet connection?

Moreover, for their success you will need just a few quills.

1. Choose the correct location for the router

The fact according to “Captain Obvious” is that if you have a five-room apartment, and the router is located next to the entrance doors, do not be surprised that the signal to the room will be weak.

Try to place the Wi-Fi router in the center of your living area in an open space.

So, it would be approximately a short walk to any room. Don’t forget that the higher the cost of the router, the better it is. The radicles tend to widen downwards and to the sides.

2. Without putting a router in the kitchen

Remember, microfiber ovens use the same frequency as your Wi-Fi router (2.4 GHz).

In addition, it is important to use video monitors, cordless phones and halogen lamps as they may cause interference when receiving radio signals.

  • 3. Turn the router antenna uphill Most routers have physical antennas, the size of which can be adjusted. It’s common practice to place the router on a shafi and mount the antennas horizontally, thereby weakening the signal.
  • To ensure maximum signal strength, move the antenna vertically, pointing straight up. Since there are two antennas on the router, they must be directed in the same direction, otherwise stealing productivity
  • not visible. 4. Take the router away from metal surfaces Remember that all metal surfaces display a Wi-Fi signal. It is not advisable to place the router with large metal objects, such as metal shelves or safes.

Choose the most urgent possession:

Access point Apple AirPort Express access to your living quarters, you will be healthy for them as much as possible.

Essentially, at the same time there is a router next to every other apartment and they all respect one another and clog the frequency channels.

For example, my Macbook has about 18(!) different layers. Try to understand where your router is located next to you, and, if possible, stop using it. Ale, the best thing you can earn is to move on to something else Wi-Fi channel.


need adjustment

You can configure the router on the website. In order to select a different channel, download special programs that will show the largest “unblocked” Wi-Fi channel. It's a pity...

Don't worry, there are analogues for Mac, for example, Wifiscanner.

The program will show the boundaries around the frequency channels that they occupy. 6. Switch your router to 5GHz frequency Expensive models

droneless routers

You can use the 5GHz band (802.11a). If your router can do this, feel free to transfer it to this range, since it may be practically completely free. It is necessary to “switch” frequency codes to the access point of the vessels.

7. Turn on “leeches”

Also for further help

special additives

(for example, Fing) you can check your Wi-Fi network for the presence of “illegally” connected devices.

Now you will be able to connect with a vulgar vessel, which is like a snake that can connect to your network and sit downloading from the torrent all the time.

You can use your router settings to create a list of allowed MAC addresses of devices.

All these are simple, but effective actions will help to improve the fluidity

home internet

In apartment buildings and great office centers there is a channel dartless link, which vikorist’s idea of ​​yours may be re-imagined.

This indicates failures and frequent loss of Wi-Fi signal, as well as many failures when trying to connect to a wireless access point.

Troubleshoot the problem by changing the channel in the router settings. You can find the best one either experimentally or with help. cost-free programsin SSIder , which shows everyone koristuvachiv Wi-Fi

“sit” near the computer’s visibility zone and on which channels of the stench.

Optimal placement of the router near the apartment

It is impossible to say for sure where to put the router correctly.

Rearranging the rooms is the same for everyone.

Optimal placement requires the center of the apartment, but not always and not for everyone, it will be better if you experiment a little.

It’s definitely not a good idea to place the router close to the heat source.

The reason for the poor performance of certain models, which are especially susceptible to overheating, is the extremely hot climate.

The Wi-Fi signal can be extinguished by everyday appliances (electric stoves, micro-wood stoves, cordless phones, refrigerators “without frost”) and power cables (laid in the middle of the wall), so try to work in such a way that there is a path between the access point and the “dead” zone in apartments (in places where the signal does not penetrate) there was nothing like that.

Some routers have one unpleasant power: the more they work, the stronger the strength of the Wi-Fi signal decreases.

After restarting, the signal renews, lasts 1-2 times and then drops again.

If the device is in an accessible location, simply re-lock it as often as necessary. For those who do not have such ability (or maybe they are crazy), we have come up with methods for automatically re-engaging routers behind the layout. The scripts intended for this are often posted on forums dedicated to fences and devices. However, they are not created by device manufacturers, but by third-party developers, so I cannot guarantee their efficiency. Identify hardware related problems.

For example, adapters for sockets with a timer (connect the life of the connected device to

tasks hour

) or IP sockets (“ping-outs”) that control availability

boundary extensions

And if any of them fail, restart the access point.

The price of such devices is approximately $5 to $50.

Transition to 5 GHz frequency and 802.11n/ac standard

If your access point operates in two bands (2.4 GHz and 5 GHz), switch to the 5 GHz frequency.

There are still few people who take advantage of it, it is practically free for them.

Also, if possible, connect devices that work with the 802.11a/b/g standards to the network - its low speed of reception and transmission interferes with the entire network. Pressure transfer Most current routers support a change in transmission intensity.

On the deeds, the wall is set to the middle level.

Installation of alternative firmware DD-WRT

The DD-WRT firmware is designed to significantly expand the capabilities of a home router, including increasing transmission intensity to the maximum allowed and strengthening the Wi-Fi signal.

DD-WRT supports, but the authors do not guarantee that the device will operate efficiently after installation.

If you bet, then only at your own risk.

І with loss of guarantee.

Purchasing a Wi-Fi signal repeater

Repeat - several tens or hundreds of meters, receiving a signal from the access point.

The solution is more hands-on and simple, but not at all budget-friendly.

The cost of such a device is approximately 2/3 the price of an average router, and sometimes more.

Before speaking, I repeat, you can use another router that you have.

Buying more and more of a router I will help you the most effective, but also the most expensive. Choose a new router from 802.11ac class models with support for two bands - the most current ones today and will be relevant in the next 5-7 years.

I hope you would like one of the 12 ways to come to life for you. No more experiments! Instructions

Try getting a Wi-Fi signal for now. It’s better to work without technical assistance with a laptop. antenna so that I can connect the wire to it.

Take a piece of metal cable and solder it to the bare part of the antenna. The other end is connected to the system unit of the computer. In this situation, it is better to connect the block from the rear part so that the signal extends towards the wall.

Yak alternative system unit You can use a metal curtain using Vikorist.

The intensity of the body of the radio signal will not always spoil the eyes and ears.

The cost of such a device is approximately 2/3 the price of an average router, and sometimes more.

I'll accept

, the antenna needs to be adjusted correctly.

You will need coaxial cable, portable radio stations or mobile phones. If the antenna is straight, try to reinstall it so that there is no distortion of the signal between it and the core. Such defects can be high-rise buildings or other objects, power lines, etc.

You will need coaxial cable You can try to fine-tune the signal directly to the signal.

To do this, you can quickly use the help of a guard who controls the signal on the receiver.

To contact him, you can use a portable radio station or a mobile phone.

If you have a straight antenna with flat polarization (such as the “Hvilovy Channel” or similar), reverse the polarization of the signal.

Adjust it thoroughly with the removed data. To do this, you need to wrap the antenna around the axis directly directed to the signal source. a stationary external antenna will be installed.

Carefully move the taste of the mixture. It is also recommended to connect portable mobile phones and TVs to the external antenna during their operation in stationary units. The coverage area of ​​the Yota provider is significantly smaller than that of operators system unit Stilnikovy bond

The cost of such a device is approximately 2/3 the price of an average router, and sometimes more.


To the subscriber who is alive on the border of the mentioned zone , it is necessary to enter inputs to improve the level of the signal at the modem input. Do not try to connect to the modem anyway.

The need for any drone-free technology, including the 4G standard (WiMax), is limited by law. system unit In addition, the booster can create gradual changes in the harmonics, which can also be damaged. system unit Radio waves at frequencies that stop data transmission from the Yota network are obscured by objects used to carry out the stream.

In a booth with concrete walls, you can easily bring the laptop and modem up to the window. Be careful not to leave the base station, the signal strength may increase. You can simply walk around the room with a laptop - through the presence of interference maxima and minima of the point

high level

The intensity of the body of the radio signal will not always spoil the eyes and ears.

  • The signal can be buti de zavgodno.

The cost of such a device is approximately 2/3 the price of an average router, and sometimes more.

Move the laptop to search for the place where you sing not just manually, but since the computer is stationary, especially so. Wi-Fi has a number of proven methods.

These require the addition of additional installation, while others require technical attention to the surrounding parts of the device. not just manually, but since the computer is stationary, especially so. Let's take a look at the stronger butt

Wi-Fi router, changing the antenna. not just manually, but since the computer is stationary, especially so. You can simply add such a device to a different format.

If you carefully understand the structure of the router, note: the antenna is attached to the device through a threaded bushing, then.

replacing it is not difficult. If it is necessary to significantly increase the range, then you will have to recycle the original antenna. Pull the top part out of the insulating ball. Solder a metal wire to the exposed part of the antenna.

Pull the other end into an open space. If this is not enough, solder the free end of the wire to the room TV antenna, first connecting the rest of the other devices. Get to know your offending Wi-Fi routers not just manually, but since the computer is stationary, especially so. by merging cable

. One end connect to LAN port

I will install the one you already have installed, and the other to the Internet (WAN) port of a different device.

Unlock the configuration of another router and create a drone-free access point with parameters similar to the first one.

to the Internet, select transmission type WAN. It is important to turn on the DHCP function in settings

local measures First Wi-Fi router. If you have done everything correctly, then laptops connected to either of the two wireless access points will be able to access the Internet.

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